Spinning and weaving

Nice walk in the morning, the temperature was down in the low 60`s and its surprising how cold that felt to us. Certainly did not take us very long to acclimatize. As the day moved on the temperature went up to the 90`s although was not too bad as the humidity stayed low.

Lunchtime I went out to give the alpacas a house down so they could keep cool. They were fighting over who could get closer to me. They really love to have their legs and bellies hosed with cold water. You don’t spray their backs as the fiber is so dense it would not dry and then you run the risk of it getting moldy.


One of our boys had a very small cut on the back of his leg, probably from a tussle with the others and every day we entice him into the catch pen with some pellets so we can spray Vetricyn on it. It’s healed very nicely. He also had a little bit of scaly skin on his feet that we think might be mites, we have been treating it with a natural cure we saw on paca this a Facebook site. It is 6 lemons soaked in a bucket of water for 4 days then put into a spray bottle with 4 drops of tea tree oil. It really seems to have cleared out up, but it amazes me that he falls for the pellet trick every day!


Last night I was able to finish off some more of my UFO`s plied some of my spinning and actually don’t think I have to pretend it’s at yarn this time.


I also finished the scarf I have been weaving on the rigid heddle and this is a picture I took before washing and finishing the fringe
