How the garden grows

Well today has been mostly mowing, weed whacking and cleaning up tree debris. It’s been quite a productive day.  I’ll spare you the details of what I said when the fuel cap came off the weed whacker and poured petrol all down my leg.

I’m sitting here listening to the thunder claps get louder. Perhaps we’ll get some rain to clear the air and help the new grass to grow strong.

A couple of weeks ago, I took a picture of the raised beds to share. I got waylaid and the blog never got updated.

That was then
That was then

I was quite pleased with the way they were going then. Just three weeks later and thing are really moving.

What a difference!
What a difference!

The kitchen bed has already given us spinach, herbs, swiss chard and strawberries with lots more to come.

Already producing
Already producing