Last Friday we met with 4 of our friends down in the center of Atlanta at the Shakespeare Tavern. It was preview night for Midsummer night’s dream. We were lucky enough to get tickets as Tommy ‘s daughter was one of the leading characters in the play, Peaseblossom, she also sang and played the flute. Clearly a very talented lady.
It’s a great venue, sits probably 150 people so everyone is really close to the action. At the back of the room there is food served with draft beer and wine etc. All the food is freshly prepared and included some good British favorites like tomato soup and shepherd’s pie. Then during the interval they serve desserts, Rob was powerless to resist the apple crisp and ice cream.
The play itself was hilarious and so well done, we had a fabulous time, what more can you ask for, good food, good company and great entertainment.