We have a small lake (100ft sq) at the front of the property that has been created by damming the stream as it runs down the valley. I suspect it was originally for irrigation purposes. Apart from frogs we don’t think there is anything interesting there although it had been stocked and used for fishing at some stage.
While we were visiting Turner Feed and Seed we spotted a notice saying “Fish man 10 to 11.30 Sat”. Twice a year a guy drives a tanker from Arkansas with live fish and people gather from around the Atlanta area to restock their lakes.
We don’t have any interest in fishing but we did think it might be a good idea to introduce some fish to keep the frog population under control. It might also help to encourage the heron to keep coming around.
So we got out there early to wait with the crowd. It turned out to be a Georgia 10am but we had fun chatting while we waited. Like luck winners at the country fair, we eventually walked away with a bag of Hybrid Blue Gill Brim (Bream). There are supposed to be 100 in that bag but I think it’s closer to 50.
To allow for some acclimatisation, I place the bag in the lake for an hour before releasing the Brim in to their new home. Lets hope they do well.