On Thursday afternoon at 4.45 I walked outside of the office in Jacksonville Florida where I am working and counted down the last but one shuttle launch (last for Discovery)
Two mins after the launch I could see it curving across the sky, I could see the flames in the smoke trail and also see the actual shuttle. Amazing! I only had my iphone so the picture does not do it justice.

Friday i was due to fly back from Jacksonville. My first flight was delayed and I had 20 minutes to get across the airport to make my connection. I just made it and we took off all be it 40 minutes late. 45 minutes later the pilot announced we were returning to Atlanta, no explanation why, just told us we would need to circle for 25 minutes burning off fuel before we could land back in Atlanta. When we landed the lady next to me spoke to family members in Newburgh who actually work for Delta and found out one of our engines had packed in.
By some sheer miracle they had another plane for us and at 6.30 we left Atlanta again, getting back to Newburgh at 8.45. What an adventure!
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