Fun Guy and Fungi

Tuesday started off a little overcast so we stayed at the camp ground and had an early lunch – there was a break in the weather so we took a quick 3 mile walk from the back of the campsite up around to the start of the Wilmington trail.

At 4.30 Rob decided it would be a great idea for us to walk up to Coopers Pond – It was just over 2.5 miles each way and given the time and the fact that is was through the woods we needed to really step it out so that we could get back before it got dark. Given that the trail was rising 500ft per mile on the way up, it was quite a hike. Good job the view was worth it.


Wednesday we decided to try the Wilmington trail – we had quite a late start and it was even steeper than the previous days trail it rose 1000ft every mile ! lots of great views and and lovely plant life we ended up doing about 8.5 miles and were exhausted by the time we finished.

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Thursday we decided to take it a little easier and just took a three mile hike around by the bottom of the Whiteface ski resort. Part of it goes along the local river just before it descends into a small gorge.


Our friends Gil and Sara came up to Lake Placid late Wednesday as Gil was taking part in the national lacrosse championships. So early Thursday evening we went over to the fields to see some of the games. It is certainly not for the faint of heart, very fast moving and aggressive game.

Friday morning was overcast so we waited till after lunch before we took a 5 mile round hike to Lake Placid. In the evening we went over to the house that Gil and Sara were renting and had a very nice evening, gourmet food followed by microwave S’mores .
