The car came to collect me at 10 o’clock and the first 10 miles took nearly 45mins welcome to London and that’s not even rush hour. On the way we passed many of the the well known sights but one I thought might not be so well known is this one,

the locals refer to it as the gherkin. I bet the poor architect who slaved over this design is mortified. As we swung around the palace we were lucky enough to pass the changing of the guard.

At last I arrived at Heathrow ready to pick up my car from Avis. In order to for everyone to follow the next bit – british version will be in brackets. They upgraded my Ford Focus wagon (estate car) for a BMW version, very nice. It was low and narrow (normal) and took a bit of getting used to. Especially the stick shift ( gear lever) and driving on the other side of the road ( normal side of road). Roads were busy (normal) and as I got closer to Sarah’s the roads were very narrow (normal) but I arrived unscathed. They were both really pleased to see me and I think Alana liked her back pack

and the denim dress

and her sundress

Sleep now thats an interesting word — I think I remember what it used to feel like. Ho Hum! Saturday turned out to be a nice sunny day so we drove off to a Waterfowl Sanctuary on the outskirts of Banbury. There were lots of chickens, ducks, goats llamas and donkeys. Alana had lots of fun feeding them

She was also able to pet a few of the smaller animals, she had a rabbit, baby chick, hamster and a gerbil on her lap (not at the same time)

The evening was rounded off with home made chocolate puddings with runny centers and fresh strawberries – Sarah made them from scratch and they were delicious.
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